Once again "THE GREAT EXPRESSION" turned out mega fresh with mad close peeps. the music is dope & the vibe is always right. make sure you come out to the next one if you haven't been to one yet. peace!.

Step Up 3. on set photos.

"Step Up 3D" due out in theaters in August 2010. 

Custom Canvases.

These are custom canvases i did for my friends Helen & Fabio for their 1 year wedding anniv. "Done with acrylic paint & markers".

TEKNYC - "Revelations" DVD trailer.

Here's the 10 minute trailer for my upcoming solo DVD "Revelations". Enjoy!.

TEKNYC & DOVES - Snorks wit Gats!!

Teknyc & Doves. http://bigdoves.blogspot.com/. Snorks wit Gatz can't never go wrong!